
Second Round of Mass Production Begins

Second Round of Mass Production Begins

We've been shipping already for 9 months, and we've almost completely sold out the first production batch. So it's time for us to start our second round of production! 

After our first round of production, we've learned some important lessons, and we're going to make this second batch of locks even better. One of the most important improvements is that we're submitting these locks for ART approval, and we're hoping to be ART approved before October this year! 

So your LINKA will not only be resilient in extreme weather conditions, it'll be tested and approved by the toughest and most rigorous standards in the world. It's something that we're really looking forward to.

Like our Facebook page, and we'll keep you posted on the updates to this round of production. 

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Welcoming Kyle to our LINKA Team
New Features in App and Firmware Updates